Later, when in charge of the partnership with Facebook, I obtained an app developer agreement that had never been granted to anyone beforeĮach time, the following elements were awarded:.When I was a salesman at GlobeCast, I signed a contract with a new client worth several million euros for a solution that had never before been imagined, nor sold.The successful construction of a harmonious relationship between two individuals will determine the success – or failure – of the business. I have often said that business is first done between people, before the companies that they represent. But what do all these forms of synergies have in common? Synergy is humanity’s weapon of mass success 6 ingredients for successful synergy Synergy is everywhere! Since man has been man, synergy has been the basis of the success. some would say a child the result of a synergy.Instead it’s the cohesion and unison of the coach and team that ultimately leads to success the addition of individual stars is sometimes not enough to win a cup.just think of the European Union and how it brings together the different complexities and needs of 27 countries in a single political union.the tumultuous but productive relationship between Mexican painters Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.just think of Paul McCartney’s melodies and the poetic lyrics of John Lennon.In the arts, we often speak of alchemy:.However, this is not the only field of application when it comes to synergy. To explain as such, Capgemini Consulting captured in a visual the complexity of the objectives to be achieved and proposed a methodology to be implemented. Synergy often has strong business connotations, especially in the post-merger phases between two companies. It refers to the interaction between two or more things whose combined efforts are greater than the sum of their own. The term “synergy” comes from the Greek word, “synergos”, which means to work together.