The Boon Doc makes an excellent partner Slug for those in the medical field, as well as those who spend a lot of time working with young children. Outside of deflecting and curing Ghouls, Boon Docs are also highly effective against Neotox Slugs, able to neutralize the worst of their attacks by using Lightshield on their Slinger and fellow Slugs. Blakk kept SlugTerra in fear of his Ghouls, there were few better Slugs a Slinger could have in their arsenal. However, in the approximately five years that Dr. In normal duels, this Slug is of little use, since its move set is so heavily geared towards dealing with Ghouls and wounds. This Slug is exactly what its name says it is: a boon. The Fall of the Eastern Champion (Appears in flashback(s)).The Unbeatable Master (First appearance) (Appears in flashback(s)).It injured Twist so badly, he was unable to walk. Shadowray: "Boon Doc"+" Negashade" - Creates a sonic beam fused with the "Light" & "Shadow" representing "Yin & Yang".
Enigmo megamorph series#
It hasn't officially debuted in the series yet.

Healadin - Swarm of sparks form a suit of protective light armor.Slugmage - Casts a protective shell of light over a slinger's slug arsenal to prevent ghouling.